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29 نوامبر ، 2021
Poem (part 8) – Secret
by: Solmaz Rezaei Part of the book: “For the Moses in Me” My life… What good is a secret I cannot speak of in front of […]
15 نوامبر ، 2021
Poem part 7: Deceit
Part of the book: “For the Moses in Me” The desire for you has disrupted all my thoughts! The words of your absence and presence have […]
9 نوامبر ، 2021
Poem part 6: For my inner Moses
I long for you. and I long for that ray of sunshine that shone on the sea parted by the miracle! And the prophet, standing on top of the mountain of wisdom
3 نوامبر ، 2021
Poem part 5: Unfair War
by: Solmaz RezaeiPart of the book: “For the Moses in Me” My dearestThere is an unfair war going on between us!For if I even pinch you […]
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